Sunday, 27 April 2014

Testimonials (and we have lots!)

We were thinking the other day about how we could convince you that our services were amazing (which they are, by the way) and that you couldn’t help but make money using us (which you will), whilst ensuring that we remained convincing.

We love what we do and are passionate about both our services and our products but lets be honest - how many websites have you visited that tell you how great their product is and you read it thinking  ‘yeah right … you would say that as  its your company and you wrote it....’

Anyway, this got us thinking.

We have hundreds and hundreds of happy clients, who also love what we do (we love them too but don’t tell anybody, as it sounds a bit odd)…

Which brings us on to the point of this blog … we would invite you to review the testimonials on our site, and see how good we really are at what we do, in the words of our customers.

Our website speaks for itself, as do the many customers we have.

Snippets such as …

I am averaging 38% per annum on my investment, so as you can gather, a very effective tax free return that I’m very pleased to be part of.’

…and …

‘In 10 months the money earned was £5,454.36 I was now in the position I wanted to be £30,000 and earning a wonderful £825.00 a month. Great, and all Tax Free!!’

.. should go a long way to convince you that not only are we top of our game (get it??) but that we do know what we are talking about.

We think that as a service, ours cannot be beaten and we tell you that because of one simple fact – for £99 per quarter, you can vastly increase your money, without having to lift a finger. Or toe.

The reason we say that is that our managed service has been designed so that, with no effort from yourself, we can invest your hard earned cash in to something a little bit more, meaning that in the future you can do all those extra things you dreamed about without having to worry about where the money is going to come from.

On top of all of that, if you recommend us then the services we provide for you become cheaper and cheaper, in some instances they come close to providing you with our amazing services for free, which means that you have even more money to invest in Sports Arbitrage with us.

We also know that some of you may be wondering why we can be so confident that your money will grow, put simply we have access to the best accountants the UK has to offer, and if they are not happy then we are not happy, and the bet is not placed .. our aim is to not take risks but to ensure that every bet with winning express is a winning one!

Friday, 25 April 2014

What Exactly is Multi Level Marketing (MLM)??

For those amongst you who are not new to Winning Express, you will know that we operate (that sounds like a technical word - its not technical we promise!!) on a model called Multi Level Marketing. Please dont turn off right yet, we know it doesn't sound appealing but keep reading to find out more on what this means for you, as one of our existing or hopefully new-to-be customers.

Again the word customer is not truly reflective of what we hope to achieve so lets  put it another way -  we are all friends on a journey to ensure our futures are money worry free. There, that sounds better.

So  - what does Multi Level Marketing mean?

You are right to ask, as many people do not interpret this in the correct way - the crux of it is that when you buy that golf club, you know the one that shaves those all important digits off your handicap, then you shout about how great your club is to anyone on the course who will listen. You tell the guy you play with. You tell the guy waiting at the hole to tee off, you tell your wife (at which point she shuts down golf??)

And the guy we talked about, you know the one who was at the tee with you? Next time he goes in to a golf shop and looks around and he spots the make of your new club (and knowing how shockingly poor you were before you had it!!) he thinks well if it improves Andys game (thats you by the way - we don't know what you are called. Unless you are called Andy and this blog was written for you) then imagine what it could do for me.

That is the power of word of mouth - you try it, you like it, you recommend it, someone else buys it, they try it . and so it goes on, you get my drift?

So, the fact that the guy at the tee with you buys the same club - what do you get for it? Nothing! You get no referral fee, the golf club company do not ring you out of gratitude and offer you free stuff. So why did you do it? Because you like to acknowledge superior products, and you want others to gain benefit from them.

And thats the main point of Multi Level Marketing. We work on a referral basis, so in much the same vein as the golf story above you try it, like it, and most importantly make money. You then think to yourself hang on .. when I am old(er) and rich(er) then I want those who I love spending time with to be there with me, be it on a yacht in Grand Cayman, or living it up at St Andrews, and you recommend us to your nearest and dearest. It may be over a beer, it may be over the family summer barbecue (which doesn't happen often - roll on the yacht in Grand Cayman).

That way not only will you be living the highlife, but those you love will be there too. Our only tip - dont tell annoying Auntie Beryl about us, otherwise she will be there …….

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Why Businesses Need Cash Flow

Cash Flow – a phrase that will bring fear in to the heart of anyone who is operating a business today.

To borrow a definition from the much loved Wikipedia;

“Cash flow is the movement of money into or out of a business, project, or financial product. It is usually measured during a specified, limited period of time. Measurement of cash flow can be used for calculating other parameters that give information on a company's value and situation”

Without cash flow there is no business, as to run out of available cash means that your business will not succeed. Furthermore, we know of many small (and large) businesses that do not know, right at this minute, what their cash flow is. Why would you take your eye off the ball when it is so vitally important for your business?

The phrase ‘cash flow problem’ is also bandied around a lot, and again most people wrongly interpret the true meaning of this. A REAL cash flow problem happens when a business is, on paper, making money however there is no cash available. The magic question - where has the money gone? In most businesses this cash gets gobbled up by things like inventory, debt payments, and invoices unpaid. This means that as a business, no matter how much money you are pulling in, without a healthy cash flow there is no business.

Now we are going to talk about Fred. You may remember him from a previous blog. Well we caught up with Fred yesterday, over a pint (or two or three!). You may remember that Fred was trying to go his own way in the world of Sports Arbitrage …. Well he’s still trying but going nowhere fast (unlike the winner of the Grand National, Pineau De Re).

The main problem he is having is cash flow – in that he places a bet, sometimes they win (he’s not mastered the art quite yet) and sometimes they lose. When the bets win Fred is finding that he cannot transfer his money quickly enough from his betting site, back to his funding account/bank/card etc., to then re-deposit funds in to a different betting account that is needed for the next bet. So in effect, Fred has a cash flow problem.

We are pleased to report that things like that do not happen with us here at Winning Express. We have the funds, and expertise, to ensure that no matter what transactions we have undertaken there is always money in the pot for more - we don’t have to wait days for money to become available so we can go again – unlike poor Fred!

The price for doing this is only a small quarterly fee, giving you the freedom to get on with your lives whilst we look after the art of Sports Arbitrage.

Bearing this in mind, if you fancy your hand (pardon the gambling card pun!) at Sports Arbitrage you won’t go wrong by leaving your hard earned cash to us to invest, we promise we will not only look after it well but nurture it so it grows in to your future…

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Interested in Interest Rates?

So, the purpose of the title of this blog is not what you think. It’s not a tongue twister! It’s actually an article about the best places to invest your money for returns. Most of us these days are keen to save some money for the elusive ‘rainy day’ (or given this is the UK maybe the phrase should be rewritten to ‘a sunny day’).

You cannot turn on the news, or open a paper, without being told that we are all going to live to be a billion, or something, and the world will be full of people with no pensions. So, the answer is, where to invest?

Do you know the current interest rates? No not us either, quite frankly its boring so we had to look it up – and as of this morning the UK Interest Rate was 0.5%. Not great odds!

Now we are not in habit of naming and shaming, and no banks will be mentioned, but having a scout around to decide where to invest our hard earned cash took us on a very complicated mission.

Unless you live in a specific area and already have a local account, or are under 22 (sadly not us L) then the best rate you can get for instant access to your money is roughly 1.5%. Now the odds are getting better but still not great.

So, what else could you do?
·         Invest in property
·         Sell all your worldly goods on eBay
·         Rent out your spare room to a random stranger (no thank you!)
·         Donate an organ

For some of you those options are not that appealing, and as such you are looking for a better way to invest your money, with a steady return, in the hope that when you get to retirement age you can drink gin and tonic and play golf to your hearts content.

We think we may have the perfect solution for you….

Winning Express offers you a sports arbitrage service that means we can provide you with a minimum return on your money, at 2%, month on month. There are some months this will increase – we have known our customers to achieve much higher returns that this, through our managed services.

What that means to you is that you invest your money with us, and our experts will scour the market for bets to put on (or transactions as we like to call them!) and will then, for added piece of mind, put these transactions to an accountant who will confirm what we already know, in that it won’t lose – it’s a physical impossibility (statistics – lets save that for another blog!)

We know that the thought in your head as you read this is that it sounds expensive – however our services are very reasonable, especially when you think of the returns you can (and will) make when using us. Our managed service starts at £99 per quarter however we also offer a structure meaning the more people you tell about us, the cheaper it becomes – there is no catch and it means that not only you but your friends, family and colleagues can also benefit from our ‘savings’ plan.

So start drinking the gin and tonics now as you are on to a winner!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Anyone Can Do Sports Arbitrage at Home, Right????

We like to help people in all kinds of ways…

·       We help old ladies cross the road
·       We pick babies off the floor when they cry
·       We give our seats to pregnant ladies

 ….and there is another way, which we will mention at the end of this article …. However please do not skip to the end, trust us it’s worth reading (and we are not just saying that because we wrote it, honest)…

We met a guy the other day. Let’s call him ‘Fred’. Fred has been on our site, looked at the great services we offer, looked at our commissions (which incidentally can be found here and then thought to himself – I can do that myself. I am educated, sensible, and as such I don’t want to pay someone to do it for me.

So Fred went online, and looked at websites and created a new account on each of them (no names will be mentioned in the writing of this blog as to which sites he used!) and set about doing it all by himself.

Fred’s first problem, he discovered, was to decide which software to use. There is a lot of it out there (and we know this for a fact!) and some is free, some is not so free, but Fred spent a week trying to work out what he should choose.

Fred’s second problem was then the amount of different bookies websites that are covered with these software products. Fred worked out he would have to open an online account with no less than 60 bookmakers and that was just with what bets flashed up on his PC screen, courtesy of his shiny new (and expensive) software - this was all just in the first hour he was online.

So Fred started the mammoth task and began opening online accounts before he realised that not all of them would take money using his preferred payment method.

Undeterred, Fred stumbled on, confident in the knowledge that he would soon have a Porsche on the drive with the bets he was planning on making. Or ‘transactions’ as he liked to call them.

Fred then decided to place a bet. He watched his software flash away at him, before deciding to bet on a Tennis Match. Two different bets he thought that were guaranteed to net him a profit. Fred placed bet 1, and then went on the bookies site to place bet 2. Guess what? He couldn’t find it.

Safe to say, Fed’s single bet lost. He has no shiny Porsche on the drive.

He does, however, have a very slow PC from all the software he decided to download.

As with all stories, there is a moral. And the moral to Fred’s tragic story is that why do something yourself and fail when there are experts out there who do this type of thing for a living. Try our services today, we promise you won’t be disappointed.

Can’t promise a Porsche though (at least not in the first year J)

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Decimals vs Fractions

Right, hands up if you did maths at school?

All of you ... great.

Right, hands up if you loved Maths at school?

Hmm… not so many….

Final question is hands up if you loved fractions at school? 

Awkward... That’s just us then.

The reason we are asking is not that we are being nosy (well, it is still kind of interesting though to maths geeks like us J) but we do regularly get people asking about odds and fractions, specifically to do with gambling. It’s confusing. We get it (but only on a good day). It is clear though that whilst on paper it seems very easy, it confuses people every single time.

Fractional odds are the ‘traditional’ odds use widely in both the United Kingdom and Ireland, and are what you will remember historically. Everyone has heard of 2/1, 3/1 etc., and it’s how we have been led to believe all bookmakers work. However, as with all good things they do come to an end and with gambling becoming more ‘world-wide’, the decimal odds that have been used in Europe, the Americas and Australasia’s are now becoming common place in the UK Market.

For the purposes of this blog, we won’t venture in to other things like Moneyline Odds; we’ll save that for a rainy day!!!

The common mistake everyone seems to make is that if there are odds of 3/1, the decimal equivalent is NOT 3. In betting you are entitled to your stake back if you win, meaning that whilst you win 3 times your stake, you actually get 4 back. So 3/1 = 4.0.

For easy amounts, as in the above example, it’s not that hard to work out. It does get more complicated when you revert decimal odds back to fractions, or your fraction is a bit more complicated.

We have scoured the bookies site so you don’t have to, and can tell you that the majority of them do have tables on their sites for converting fraction odds back to decimal odds. We also think, on a practical basis, that when you trying to work out odds on separate races, trying to find a site to convert them back to fractions, so you can get your little old head around it, seems to take it all one step too far.

Some bookies are very kind, and do allow you to see the odds in either the Decimal Odds or the Fractional Equivalent when viewing their site and odds.

So, now you know the difference. We hope you can see the difference and now work it out … but if it’s still all a bit beyond you then you know what? Give us a call, as we offer a managed service which means we have to worry about whether our calculator has batteries, and you have to worry about what you will be spending your investment returns on. Not a hard decision is it??

Friday, 11 April 2014

Everyone likes a Nice Meal!

We love a nice meal. When you think about it on a basic level, everyone needs food to survive and thrive. You could also argue that food makes us successful, in the long run.  There is also food for everyone, whether you are vegetarian, vegan, love a steak, enjoy ethnic food … we could go on and on.

We also know that right now you are wondering whether you are reading the wrong blog. ‘Hang on’ we hear you cry … ‘I’m on the wrong site’ … bear with us and it will all become clear…

So exactly why are we referring to food when we should be talking about Multi-Level Marketing?

We bet (and we love a betJ) that the last time you went out for dinner and had a fantastic meal (for us it’s a fillet steak, red wine sauce, and always mushrooms, always!) that you told everyone about it. And when we say everyone we mean your family, your colleagues at work, and the random person who had the fortunate (or unfortunate) seat next to you on the bus in to work this morning.

And that is the basic point of Multi-Level Marketing, in a way that’s very easy to understand. Most people who ask us questions do so about the referral system we offer, and some don’t think its right.

But as we have just shown, what is wrong about referring someone to a restaurant that you have just eaten THAT meal in?

We all want to ensure that if we have experienced great food, or good service, we tell our friends and family so they can enjoy and get benefits from the same thing. Winning Express runs on exactly the same model which means that we rely on word of mouth from our customers to gain more members to what we like to think of is a ‘club’ – rather than spend vast amounts of money marketing, funding online adverts, funding sales agents etc., when this money is best off invested back in to the club that we are all part of.

The basics of MLM are as follows:-

  • You use a product, that you discover is going to change your life for the better
  • You tell your friend, family or colleagues (or all 3!) about it, and they try out the service as well
  • We not only invest your money wisely but give you a reward for each and every friend/family member and colleague you have recommended.
  • You are all happy, we are happy, it’s all good!

In the above example you have told roughly 20 people about your dinner, and with only referring  TWO people into Winning Express you are already in front, or ‘first past the post’ if you want us to use more racing phrases .

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

The Power of MLM

Today we want to share with you the power of Multi-Level Marketing (or MLM, as it is known).We have done the research, and we know (and understand) that it is sometimes a difficult concept to grasp. Even those amongst us who are the cleverest people on the planet take some time to grasp the complexities of it, and do you know what? When you do eventually get it – and you will, honest – you will be amazed that it too you so long to understand what is in effect a very simple and equally lucrative process.

The same can be said for the world of Sports Arbitrage, but let’s leave that for another blog entirely!

So – MLM. If you were to put the term Multi-Level Marketing in to Google you will come up with 48,400,000 results – which is a lot for anyone to take in and begs the question, where do you even start? The advice given by the so called experts will also differ, from someone giving you 25 tips to success, to another giving you 1000 tips, and others telling you to steer clear of anything with the word Pyramid in it… sit back and let us explain the truth behind the myths of how we have successfully teamed up Multi-Level Marketing with the world of Sports Betting to create a successful business that anyone can be part of, no matter their background or employment experience.

It can be easy to shy away from Multi-Level Marketing after reading reviews, however let us point out that one of the leading cosmetic manufacturers worldwide, not just in the UK, is Avon. And Avon is a Multi-Level Marketing company. Surprised? Most people are, but we are not, as we believe that we are proof that the model works – at Winning Express we not only want to succeed, but we want all of our customers to succeed, and what can be wrong with that?

The service that we provide is unique in the MLM world, in that Winning Express offers a virtually risk free and tax free income that is generated solely from sports betting (arbitrage averaging). We can already hear you asking what ‘virtually risk-free’ means and wondering what the catch is. The catch is just that - there is no catch! The legal definition of ‘virtually risk-free return’ is, and we are quoting here

  “The theoretical rate of return attributed to an investment with zero risk. The risk-free rate represents the interest on an investor's money that he or she would expect from an absolutely risk-free investment over a specified period of time”

So, given that our return minimum is 2% a month, and when we point out that the average bank interest rate, as of today’s date, is as mere 0.5% (and let’s be honest, who would you trust to look after your money – us or the bankers?) then under the rules of basic maths alone, you would be crazy to look anywhere else for a better return on your money.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

The Crabbie’s Grand National in numbers

Pineau De Re, owned by John Provan and trained by Dr Richard Newland has triumphed in the 2014 Grand National and now has its name immortalised on the Aintree honours board. The race proved to be tremendously competitive this year but, the thirteenth fence apart, Leighton Aspell plotted Pineau’s way around the traditionally tough course and staged a perfectly timed bid for the front to take the prize by five lengths from Balthazar King.

The Grand National transcends racing in the UK and it seems everyone takes an interest in the handicapped event, for many it’s their one bet of the year. The enormous scale of the event, blanket media coverage and national fervour surrounding the 167 year old race create a clamour for information, stories and statistics. The rich history and substantial field of runners each year certainly provide the statisticians with plenty of numbers to crunch. So, here are just a few thrown up by the race.

As well as the 71,000 race goers who attended the event at the Aintree course on Saturday, an estimated 600 million viewers watched the race in 140 countries worldwide through officially syndicated transmissions. Add to this figure many more watching illegally streamed or diverted satellite feeds and the viewing figures could realistically be pushing a billion. That’s one in seven people on the planet.

In the UK alone, approximately 37.5 million individual bets were placed on the race, totalling in excess of £300 million, working out at about £8 per bet. These figures don’t take into account bets placed with unofficial, illegal bookmakers or money changing hands in private wagers.

Individuals methods of choosing a horse to bet on can vary from the highly scientific to the downright random. For those punters wishing to avoid the ‘blindfold & pin’ method it might be worth bearing in mind the following stats. In the last 30 years of the race an 11 year old horse has won on nine occasions, including Saturday. 9 and 10 year olds have won eight times each in the same time period with no other age making much impact on the four and a half miler.

12 times in the last thirty outings a horse going off between 11-1 and 25-1 has taken the prize, with 10-1 or less winning on nine occasions and horses between 26-1 and 50-1. There have been a couple of fairytale results of more than 50-1 in this period, including Mon Mome at 100-1 in 2009, reinforcing the unpredictability of The National. In fact, the favourite has met expectations on only eight occasions in the last 52 runs.

However, maybe there is something in a name. As was pointed out to me recently a horse whose name is comprised of two words has won on eighteen occasions in the last thirty outings. Statistics can be used to prove anything of course.

The prize money for the race itself has grown over the last 25 years from £115,000 to the present day purse of £1 million. You might think this is enough but this substantial reward hasn’t precluded owners from having a wager as well. Two of the largest individual wins in the history of the event have been placed by owners. In 2003 Mike Futter, owner of Monty’s Pass, took an early price of 50-1 and placed £10,000 to win half a million when Barry Geraghty guided home his charge.

This win was dwarfed by Edward Studd, the owner of the 1866 winner, Salamander. Mr Studd placed £1,000 on the race at 40-1, pocketing the equivalent of £3 million in today’s money.

However, following the bad press concerning horse and jockey safety in the late nineties and early two-thousands my favourite statistic from yesterday’s race was that of the forty starters and eighteen finishers there were zero fatalities and all the jockeys made it back to the weigh-in room in one piece.